Golf Associations and Leagues
Herndon Centennial is host to several golf associations that cater to all golfer skill levels. Pick the group that fits your game and come join the fun.
Herndon Golfers Club
The Herndon Golfers Club is open to male and female players and is actively recruiting members looking for friendly competition. The club plays approximately 12 events per season and prizes are award for gross and net scores.
Herndon Seniors and Duffers
The Seniors and Duffers is open to male and female players age 55 and over or to anyone with a handicap of 18 or higher. Members have the opportunity to participate in approximately 14 events each season while enjoying fun and fellowship with some friendly competition.
Herndon Ladies Golf League
The Herndon Ladies Golf League welcomes ladies of all skill levels to participate. Play is every Wednesday morning from April – October. New members are welcome.
Wednesday Seniors
The Wednesday Seniors is open to male and female senior players of all abilities. 8 events will be played March – October with different formats.
LEAGUES open to join
- Spark Golf League on Monday’s and Tuesdays starting around 5:00 p.m.
- Thursday Night League. 2 player teams starting at 3:30 p.m. Contact the pro shop to join the waitlist. (703) 471-5769 x 0